Sunday, November 22, 2015

Buying a Car? Better Credit Than Cash Or Drive Like a Psycho!


Last month, the old brother of my family had a poor car accident. In the midnight, he feels sleepy and hit a tree at 90 km/h. Fortunately, he didn't get a serious injury. :(

But the worst is, because he dont wear a seat belt. And guess what? His head smashed the windshield and cracked the window! :#

The windshield cracked because the bro's head

Guess what? The cost of repair will be more expensive! Especially when you don't have a car insurance.

Yeah, my family's car insurance is run out. :( Just 9 days after the period of insurance is over. What a pity, we have to spend $1100 to fix all this damage.

The matter is: we bought the car with a cash. :f So, the insurance is over after 1 year.

What a regret, if only we bought the car with credit, perhaps we don't spend so much money because for the all risk insurance.

Well, this is my story with my uninsurance car. Like a psycho, right? :O And remember, this isn't gonna happens when you use a seat belt. :)

So, keep save in the road and use a seat belt, yaw. :D

Friday, November 6, 2015

11 Psychopath Test Questions and Answers


I like psycho characther since I saw The Joker and Dr. Hannibal Lecter. :D Their are unique, their are bad guy, but they don't have an emotion or tendencies to be bad. They are natural. :# Yeah, those are some characteristics of psychopath. :#

But, psychopath isn't always a bad guy or a serial killer character. :f Psychopath is a personality disorder and belive it or not, everyone has psychopatic characteristic to some degree. :#

So, this psychopath test will tell you whether you are fully psychopath or not. I have been collecting all this question from a Psychology Journal, Movies, and Documenter Video. Hope you enjoy this Psychopath Test. ;)

Well, check this out:

1. When you were a child, did you like torturing animals?

2. There is a little girl. Her father give her a doll. But she couldn't play that. Why she can't play?

3. Which one do you like most? Fight? Delinquency? Brutal attitude? Pornography? or the story of Mystery?

4. Someone keep looking at you in a long time without turning their head. What's on your mind?

5. If you want to kill someone who was in a small room (eg bathroom, closet or bedroom), what do you do?

6. Choose your favorite color. Blood Red, Brown, White or Black.

7. A woman attending the funeral of her mother with her sister. Then, they meet a handsome man. After a time, the woman kill his own sister. Why she did that?

8. Your neighbor is rarely seen and hiding for a long time. In your opinion, why he do that?

9. You're looking at a murder in the next building of your apartment. Unfortunately, the killer saw you. Then make a gesture move his finger toward his face. What is his gesture?

10. You're visiting your grandfather house who was a war veteran. Then he wanted to show you his friend photos who has a deformity after a war. In your imagination, where is the deformity of his grandfather friend?

11. You gonna kill the robbers that enter your house. In the kitchen there are kitchen knife you just sharpened, and a fruit knife but not too sharp. Which one do you choose?


1. It is the most common trait in some people with mental disorders. They used to torture grasshoppers, lizard or insects such as butterflies. They say, they're not bothered when torturing animals, there is even a pleasant sensation of seeing the animals were groaning in pain before death. :#

2. This question i've found in Kaskus. And indeed, this is a question to test social skills regarding human brain. Because if you are a normal, you'd have said, "Because he is a man" or otherwise adjust the gender question. But if you're a psychopath, your brain will respond to anti-social answers that have a lack of empathy to the subject, for example, "her hands were sore," or worse, "she is defect. (or no hands)" :#

3. You'll be surprised by the answer of this question. Because psychopaths actually not the brutal, naughty or mystical. Most Psychopaths actually the people who are addicted to pornography. I got this from Ted Bundy's last interview before his execution. And after investigation, Pornography causes our brains increasingly understand the violence. That is why psychopaths can do many things without regret. Yes, because psychopaths can always understand it. And pornography can make us understand violence in a way that looks so fun. :#

4. This question will test you how far your egocentric attitude as a psychopath. For as was ane says, psychopaths are people who have no empathy for others and had a narcissistic. So when the question occurred, a normal person would have answered, "There's something wrong with me". But psychopaths, could only see the mistakes of the others such as, "Something wrong with his eyes," or "He actually blind." :#

5. It is also I've encountered in Kaskus too. In this question, normal people usually answers to have a surprising effect like, smashed the door, destroying closet or kill indiscriminately. But if you're a psychopath, the answer is, "Waiting him out from there." By knock on the door, make a commotion outside, or call the victim out loud. :#

6. From this question, most people are thinking that psychopaths like the Red like a fresh blood. It totally wrong. Color can indicate a person's emotions and tendencies flavor. So, most psychopaths will choose the White, which doesn't represent any taste and emotion.:#

7. This question I'd also found in Kaskus. A normal person would reply, "She's competing for the man with her sister" or "the sister who successfully liked by the man" or another answer like a cinemas. But when agan is a psychopath, agan will answer, "Because she wanted to see him again". :#

8. If the answer is sorta like, "he is busy with his work" or another positive answer, you're not a psychopath. Actially,this question is a psychological technique, because person will be more comfortable answering questions spontaneously if the subject is replaced by another person. So a psychopath would answer it honestly like their condition, "Because he doesn't like crowds." :#

9. Actually, most psychopaths have good problem solving is good. So, they supposed , "kill is a problem solving too". Then, normal people will answer, "the killer made a sssstttt gesture," or "Don't tell anyone!" so the problem was solved. But psychopaths, will spontaneously imagine the gesture, "I'm gonna kill you!" or gesture calculate the floor where you are. :#

10. Normal people used to imagine injuries they had ever seen. For example, from the movie or the story. But psychopaths, used to imagine an injury with a sense of the most long-suffering. For example injuries in the eyes, fingers or genitals. :#

11. From these questions, we'll have a sense to more hate the robbers. So, normal man would chose a sharp knife to kill quickly, but psychopath would choose a knife that is more torturous. So from this we understand that when psychopath is hated someone, their would be tortured their victims first. :#